“Face shields’ time may have come.”- Dr. Eli Perencevich, University of Iowa

With the recent outbreak of child COVID-19 cases, we at FaceShield.com are transitioning our efforts to ensure that children are protected. Children, just like adults, need a protective barrier when they go out. This is why we are now offering our locally manufactured face shields in a special size just for children.

Face coverings are now a requirement in New Orleans, but doctors are saying that face shields are more effective.

“Face shields, which can be quickly and affordably produced and distributed, should be included as part of strategies to safely and significantly reduce transmission in the community setting,” said a trio of physicians from the University of Iowa in the April 29 Journal of the American Medical Association, led by Dr. Eli Perencevich.
“I think every person should have a face shield. It should be worn anytime they leave their home, while in any public place, and even at work.”
-Epidemiologist Michael Edmond Infectious diseases physician

faceshield.com is now providing children’s sizes. Follow the link to learn more and purchase.
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